(…and now, if you’ve seen Nightmare Before Christmas, you are singing the song, aren’t you? You’re welcome.)
Here is the story behind today’s lettering:
It was a dark and stormy autumn night, which means it was probably about 95 degrees. The students of the Theatre Department at Louisiana Tech University were studying Theatre History late, late at night, because of a very special blend of probably having rehearsal, a dash of procrastination, and too much coffee. They diligently checked their separate Facebook accounts in silence. Suddenly, a great burst of wind threw itself against the door, hurling it open on it’s rusty hinges! Or was it the shriek of a thousand lost souls? Was wind really capable of such a thing? Or could it be Vera, the theatre ghost, come to haunt the poor students?
Sidney, a very brave individual, calmly and cheekily responded to the treacherous wind by saying, “Boo Scary Boo, y’all…”
We all laughed.
…And then…
His chair broke out from under him.
Moral of the story: Vera does not like your sass.
But I bet Vera would like these super cute pamphlet books the amazing Rachel Fontenot taught me how to make today! I didn’t even realize that they are halloween colors, but fall is my fave so I’m not surprised.
But back to the story, if you can take away one thing from my blog I hope it is this: ghosts don’t appreciate cheeky remarks… cheeky remarks = your cheeks on da floor (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it…)!
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