Daily Sketches – Day 1

Daily Sketches – Day 1

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In an effort to improve my drawing skills… I’ve decided to practice. Revolutionary thought right? One of the problems that I usually have is that I never know what to sketch, and spend some of the time that I could be using sketching trying to find what I want to draw. So, I’ve discovered a drawing list on Pinterest that I’m going to use as a prompt. There are a 101 items, and I want to complete it in 101 days.

Here is day one! An old shoe. This is one (of a pair of course, I do have two feet) of the shoes I took with me when I went to London for three weeks as part of a study abroad program. I took great pride in my punniness when I wore these oxfords in Oxford (not Mississippi).

It’s actually been a while since I’ve tried drawing something with pencil and actually try to draw realistically… so it’s not perfect, but it’s a start. You gotta start by putting one foot in front of the other, right?

You knew that was coming.